Saturday, April 11, 2020

OSR: Barrowmaze AP 2

It is the day 28. I can count myself successful in the Barrows, thank the Lady Ongmata. And today we DO have the numbers.
Adrik Goldtooth, a new Dwarf in town, leaves a quick signature on Guildmaster Olson's ledger. Welcome to the Guild!
Seasoned treasure hunters join us: Scamdalf the Wizard, Sgt Rumpus, Rocco Kyndman Jr III (another priest, yet with clouded Faith tenents).
Henx, Frena, Wennick, Mormyr, and Malg the Dwarf are our hired helping hands for this expedition.
After a round of brief introductions, we grab Scamdalf's horses an leave town, all 10 of us.

There is much debate on where to next. Personally, the Barrows are a must, to cleanse the site of the undead abominations.
But Bogtown, to the North-East, seems like an interesting town to explore in the future.
Finally, we decide to approach the Barrows from the North-West, hoping the blessing of good weather avoids unwanted surprises.

Unfortunately, the hilly terrain is ripe for ambushes, and a swarm of animated skeletons jump out of nowhere.
Frena dies on the spot, dragged to the ground with a mixture of claws, screams, and guts. A short expedition for her.
Malg is harmed, but able to deflect the worst of it with his shield.
I call for aid of the Lady Ongmata, but this time around she does not answer. Have I sinned?
Sir Rocco's willpower seems more thorough, and gets those foul undead to flee.
Malg, Sgt Rumpus and others retaliate as the bones retire in their macabre march.

We inspect our first site, a collapsed dome, the pit descending about 40 feet.
It's risky to leave the horses unattended, and try a descent with rope.
Adrik and the Sgt notice huge birds circling this site. Will they attack us at our weakest?
We decide it's best not to find out, and instead move East.

Ten minutes later, we find a sealed crypt. Fortunately, we have the tools and numbers for breaking it open.
Wennick and Adrik break the stone cover with sledgehammers and might on their side.

Inside, 20 feet of stairs lead to a circular space with the statue of a boastful youth warrior in its center. A shiny sword on its hands.
In my last expedition I remember warnings from Quag and Kalis of plundering such relics. I warn my companions.
Inscriptions under the statue: "Be forthright and rejoice under the sun"
We try to reflect the sun with an assortment of mirrors, thinking it the clue from the plaque, without any effect.
Scamdalf opens his sense to wizard magic, confirming that the sword has great power.
I call on you, Lady, and detect the door to the East protects us from a great Evil.
Going into more direct measures, we start hammering the statue.
I'm blessed to have the deciding blow on my hands, sword dropping with a metallic sound as iron meets stone.
Henx tries the closed door to the East, as a smoke figure emerges through its cracks. My skin feels the worthless cold.
Many wrongfully think that Hell and Death are an endless fire. Wrong fouls. It's cold and emptiness. This is Death.
Henx drops dead on the spot, consumed by the evil essence, that's eyeing our recent transgression.

As the one who disturbed the site, it moves towards me as everyone else (save the Sgt?) is fleeing away.
Lady, you shield me!
I grab the sword, and run, but the Sgt seems determined to solve the riddle on the plaque. In a time like this?
The shadows catch to him, killing the warrior.

At the corridor the shadow still catches up to me and embraces me, clogging me in bitter cold shadows.
I loose memories, faith, and my clear vision of the Lady. As if Death, of which I've seen so much of recently, was just greeting me with its cold embrace.
In desperation, and flinching at the ethical implications, I swing the sword in a wide arc. I vow to the Lady to get the shrine built after this!
Lady, redeem this fool's deeds! The shadow retreats in pain, smoky shadows cut in half.
Scamdalf sends a magic projectile destroying the Evil, as I see the light of the sun washing my face.
I drop to my knees, cast my hands to the skies, and claim your name: Lady Ongmata, Riddler. Why this pain? Not today!

Without danger, we return to the site, to continue the exploration. A clue to the inscription on the statue: Bareus?
We have the sword, so it matters not now.
Adrik takes courage and opens the door to the East. In there, a sarcophagus in a 40 by 40 feet space.
Scamdalf, Adrik and Wennick investigate the room, finding a hidden compartment within! Their hands seem guided today.
In there, a historical relic in the form of an amphora. There are also carvings depicting Bareus defeating Trolls in valiant battle.
How could such a wholesome soul end up cursed into such evilness? Something is off.
Not the first time I discover the remnants of past battles on this site.

We run back to Helix, afraid of the fog catching up to us.
In our return to town, we get followed by 3 giant scorpions, the size of mastiffs. One of them with a Troll's leg pierced on its tail.
We leave one of Scamdalf's horses behind, sentencing the poor beast to a certain peril, but allowing us to flee.

Back in town, Olson is able to sell the amphora for 5300 gold pieces.
The local smith identifies the sword as Dwimmerdeath, an ancient weapon efficient at slaying Wizards.
We decide to keep it in store for the Adventurer's Guild and future expeditions, to be better prepared.
As for me, I will scout for properties in Helix to start the place of worship.

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