
Monday, December 2, 2019

GLOG Wizard: Densomancer

This is a different take on the Aeromancer, one flavor of Elementalist wizard. Or perhaps Telekinesis? A Densomancer has some of the iconic air control spells, and can fool anyone to believe them in having the cerebrum of a telekinesis wizard. But actually a Densomancer uses a purer channel for their magic. They mutate the density of different objects and creatures to their advantage. Or even space itself. This can create some interesting effects on a Densomancer and their surrounding environment.

Densomancers have to be conservative outdoors, out of fear of floating to oblivion. But they can make a discrete living, for example working for merchants and noble houses in need to transport and measure goods with precision.

by Jordi Ponsa


Gain long robes. You can hover at a distance of an inch from solid ground. Your passing still produces obvious noise (creaking of wooden floorboards, etc.).


Endless experimentation made your body's density unwieldy in liquids. Whenever you are swimming on a liquid, you automatically sink.


1. You can precisely estimate the weight of any object or creature, provided you touch it for 1 minute with both hands.
2. You can harmlessly hover one small object (a coin, a scroll, a candle, a fork,...) with a wave of your finger. It can only be moved up/down.
3. Snapping your fingers can produce a mild wave of air (cold or warm, your choice). Enough to make a candle flicker at about 20' distance, but not enough to extinguish it.


Spells marked with an * were shamelessly lifted verbatim from the Skerples blog.
1. Flexible Skin
R: touch T: creature D: [sum] hours
Creature's skin turns hard as stone, or soft as wool. Choose one at casting. Can be changed from one to the other by spending [dice] minutes. Increase AC by [dice], except for blunt (hard)/slashing (soft) attacks, where AC actually decreases by [dice].
Benefit is long-lasting, and dramatically increases the survivability of the squishy Densomancer. Similar to a Mage Armor, but with a drawback case.

2. Control Air*
R: 50’ T: a gust of wind D: concentration
Control a gust of wind within 50'. At one [die], use wind to (a) clear away fog or gas, (b) extinguish a fire no larger than a torch, (c) blow all the papers off a desk, (d) with concentration, provide enough of a breeze to power a tiny sailboat. Each [dice] you invest increases the effects.    

3. Light Bones
R: 10'x[dice] T: [dice] creatures D: [dice] minutes
[dice] creatures get their bones to loose all density. For the duration, the targets increase their walking speed by 10', and their jump distance by [sum]'. Their AC is lowered by [dice]. 
We significantly increase mobility for a considerable duration, but have a drawback by lowering AC. 

4. Secure Object
R: 50' T: [dice] objects D: [sum] minutes
You point your finger at [dice] objects on the ground, changing their consistency. Their weight increases by [sum]x100lbs (x45kg) for the duration.
Forces the player to ask about the environment. Can be used to make a chandelier drop on the band of orcs, make sure a door is hard to open on a chase, drown someone, and other clever effects. It also encourages the player to look at their character sheet for objects to use the spell with.

5. Balance Weapon
R: touch T: weapon D: [sum] hits or [dice] hours, whatever comes first
You hold a weapon on your hands and precisely recalibrate its balance. Now enhanced, increase the damage die by one size (d6 -> d8, etc). After [sum] successful hits or [dice] hours (whatever comes first), the weapon is back at its imperfect state.

6. Hurl
R: 200' T: small object D:0
Choose [dice] small, loose objects within range (a stone, a book, a tomato), not being worn or carried. Magically hurl at incredible speed against [dice] targets within range. Each object deals 2x[sum] damage on impact, to both the target and the object. Target can Save vs Dexterity to halve damage.
Similar to the classic Magic Missile, and follows the assumption that you're changing the density of a small object, using Telekinesis of sorts. It has the small limitation that you need an object, and it gets destroyed. This is the 1-6 damaging spell.

7. Balloon
R: 50' T: [dice] creatures or objects D: [sum] rounds
Targets have to be up to humanoid in size. They start to ascend like a balloon, at a rate of [dice]x10'/round. If they hit a solid object, they stop ascending. When the spell ends, gravity works again for them. 
Can be used to propel foes into the sky, or reach high areas. There are several creative uses, and it has to be timed correctly. Good interaction with equipment too: rope (for full balloon experience), rocks (to make them rain on foes), etc.
8. Fluid Air
R: 50' T: [dice]x20' cube D: [sum]x2 rounds
Air in the area acquires properties from water. A creature must hold their breath when within the target area, or begins to suffocate. Objects stay in place, but loose their friction if pushed/pulled. A creature can swim in the target area as if they were diving underwater.
This has a tons of applications, in an out of combat. It can suffocate a horde of enemies. Or act as a Fly spell where the caster has to "swim". A clever player could find a plethora of uses for this, offensive/defensive and situational.

9. Slow Feet
R: 50' T: [sum] feet D: [sum] rounds
You can designate up to 2x[dice] creatures. A total of [Sum] feet turn dense and heavy as a boulder, which can be freely distributed among the designated creatures. Creatures with dense feet reduce their speed by [dice]x10' per slowed foot.
An updated version of the Slow spell, but that is very dependent on the number of feet of the creature you're fighting, and their preferred attack. A pack of wolves? Not so good. Good for chases.

10. Featherfall*
R: 10’ T: [dice] creatures or objects D: 0
If you would take fall damage, you can cast this spell as a reaction to negate it. You float gently to the ground (possibly alarmingly late).

Emblem Spells

11. Wall of Wind*
R: 20’ T: wall D: 1 minute
You summon wind to form a 10’ by 10’ panel per [dice]. You can mold the wall, similar to cutting holes and notches in a sheet of paper. The wall does not block line of sight. Powerful winds will knock small projectiles out of the air and prevent vermin (anything smaller than a rat) from crossing. Ranged attacks that pass through the wall get [dice]x-3 to hit.

12. Solid to Viscous
R: 50' T: [dice]x20' radius D: [sum] rounds
Designate a solid object or surface within range. Target area turns viscous for the duration. You can also try to end the spell earlier with a Save using your action. Density of a pudding. Possible to pass through, although it's a slow process. If body is caught in the viscous object when the spell ends, take [sum] damage and stuck. Good luck getting out.
Can be used to escape out prisons, and pass walls. Also to slow enemies down in a similar way a Grease spell would (or a bunch of nails). Has a drawback if you're too slow to pass, and a player can come with good ways to "trap" creatures in to receive the damage.


1. MD only return to your pool on a 1-2 for 24 hours
2. Take 1d6 damage
3. Random mutation for 1d6 rounds, then make a save. Permanent if you fail.
4. Start to ascend like a balloon, at a rate of [dice]x10'/round for 1d12 rounds. You then fall.
5. Your legs' weight increases uncontrollably. You have to sit and can't move for 1d6 turns. A strong horse could probably pull you.
6. Granite-heavy hands. You drop any items you were carrying, and can't wave them to cast any spells nor wield any object for 1d6 rounds.


1. Your feet are heavy and lethargic. Halve your walking speed permanently. Take this doom twice and you can't walk.
2. No longer trust in your abilities. Save vs Fear when outdoors, out of panic of floating to oblivion.
3. Ascend like a balloon, at a rate of [dice]x10'/round. Doesn't stop.

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